Thursday, November 26, 2009

I'm spending quite a bit on laser hair removal...?

and now I'm worried that it will be all a waste of time and effort if I get pregnant! Will pregnancy make the lasered hair follicles become active again, thereby making hair grow?

I'm naturally hairy, which is why I was advised to do laser hair removal.

I'm spending quite a bit on laser hair removal...?


I'm spending quite a bit on laser hair removal...?

Both during and after pregnancy, it is considered to be safe to shave, pluck or wax that extra hair. Although bleaching and depilatories are an option, since these are chemical based solutions, you may want to avoid them while you are pregnant. Permanent hair removal methods, such as laser hair removal and electrolysis, are thought to be safe during pregnancy as well, but women are often encouraged to wait until after their pregnancy just to be on the safe side.

However, the cost of laser hair removal may cause some women to balk at the idea. If you are considering permanent laser hair removal, try not to be thrown by the price. Remember, this is a permanent solution to getting rid of unwanted body hair. In the long run, it may just be a cheaper choice than shaving, waxing or using depilatories.

I'm spending quite a bit on laser hair removal...?

Laser removal causes the hair follicle to become damaged making it impossible for hair to grow. Hair grows in cycles which is why you have to have so many treatments.

When you become pregnant, you shouldn't have any abnormal hair growth since you're taking care of the issue now.... and if you do, you can wax, shave, use Nair until you deliver. The hair will most likely fall out afterwards due to hormones.

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