Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Can constant shaving of hair on head cause permanent damage?

I have heard that if one shaves off hair, it grows back thicker. However, I know a young man who when young had a thick healthy head of hair. but had shaved it totally for about 7-8 yrs. When he decided to let it grow in once again.....it came in very sparse and thin and he appears to be balding at the age of 29. Could those years of shaving head damaged the follicles?

Can constant shaving of hair on head cause permanent damage?

Nope, that's an old wives' tale (where'd that term come from anyway?).

He was already genetically predetermined to go bald naturally. Either that or from stress. If you know members of his family who are bald (from Dad to Aunt Gertrude), well there's your answer.

He might as well just resume shaving. It's not a big deal. He's already used to being bald as a choice. He probably looks sharp if he kept it shaved for so many years.

Don't encourage him to get a rug (rugs are for the floor, BTW) or a hair "system". And definitely do not get him to waste his hard-earned money on pills, potions, and lotions. The chances that they'll work for him are slim, and if they do work, he'll have to adopt the regimen for the rest of his life, otherwise any growth will fall out upon discontinued use.

I get the feeling he's not stressing over it, though. You're just addressing this matter here as a curious, concerned friend. He's obviously confident in himself, so he'll be fine.

Can constant shaving of hair on head cause permanent damage?

He is going bald naturally.

Can constant shaving of hair on head cause permanent damage?

He's gone bald not for shaving but by his genetic evolution.

Can constant shaving of hair on head cause permanent damage?

I wouldn't think so. Perhaps he was going to be bald (or balding) anyway and due to his shaving didn't notice until he tried to grow hair again after all those years.

Being a woman, I can tell you that shaving leg hair doesn't affect it growing back just as thick...and we tend to do it from our early teens until we're senior citizens. I don't see why head hair would be different with re: to shaving...

Can constant shaving of hair on head cause permanent damage?

I don't think so it's fine to cut it ask a hair expert to find out for sure.

Can constant shaving of hair on head cause permanent damage?

no shaving isn't the reason shaving actually is healthy for the hair..its the genetic eveloution..if ur becoming bald..buy aloe and everyday after a shower rub it all over ur hair..or use olive oil if u don't belive try it i know people like that going bald and did that got thier hair back! its the natural way

Can constant shaving of hair on head cause permanent damage?

No, it cannot cause damage. What you shave is above the follicle and shaving does not do anything to that. If your follicle gets damaged, then you will have permanent damage.

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