Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Creationists/Intelligent Design proponents, how do you explain goose bumps?

Goose bumps are caused by the erector pili muscles, the tiny muscles that are connected to each hair follicle and the skin. When they contract, a "goosebump" forms, causing the hair around it to stand erect.

In nature, the purpose of "hair raising" is to make an animal appear larger, and hence more fierce to it's opponent. Of course, human body hair is far too sparse to create any visual threat, so goosebumps are essentially useless to us.

It has been argued that more primitive versions of man had significantly more hair than we do, which would explain the vestigial presence of them in modern humans.

So which makes sense?

Humans have vestigial goosebumps because we descended from a primitive hominid that once used them for survival...


God made goosebumps in animals as a SPECIFIC means for their survival, and then copied them IDENTICALLY on humans, even though they serve absolutely no useful purpose for our survival.

Creationists/Intelligent Design proponents, how do you explain goose bumps?

Obviously you believe in evolution. So . . . if you believe goosebumps serve absolutely no useful purpose for our survival then why do we still get them? If something isn't useful according to the evolution theory it eventually stops being reproduced you dummy.Therefore THERE MUST BE A GOD who means for us to have those goosebumps. Goosebumps are something you experience when something touches your soul (in addition to being cold).

Like tears which are only necessary to cleanse the eye - so why do humans cry when their hearts hurt - what purpose does that serve? None, but God wanted us to be able to express our pain so we cry tears when WE hurt - not just when the EYE is hurt.

Creationists/Intelligent Design proponents, how do you explain goose bumps?

How does it feel to live a life without hope and purpose to just merely exist?I just can't fathom living a life without God.I must say tho that I respect the fact that you think about these things and are seeking answers.Maybe someday you will believe too :) I hope so. Peace be with you. Report It

Creationists/Intelligent Design proponents, how do you explain goose bumps?

goosebumps arent useless noob


Creationists/Intelligent Design proponents, how do you explain goose bumps?

God is an awesome God. BOOOM you lose!

Creationists/Intelligent Design proponents, how do you explain goose bumps?

God created everything Pal....even 'goosebumps"

Get over it.

Creationists/Intelligent Design proponents, how do you explain goose bumps?

Perhaps creationists have specifically developed their so-called theory to fit around their religion. Maybe that's it.

Creationists/Intelligent Design proponents, how do you explain goose bumps?

first of all i wouldn't call goosebumps useless, second you just answered you own freakin question, so choose a side

Creationists/Intelligent Design proponents, how do you explain goose bumps?

Don't bother. The faithful are immune to reason. The blinders are super-glued to their eyes.

Creationists/Intelligent Design proponents, how do you explain goose bumps?

goose bumps cause our hair to become straight or watever and this keeps more heat in than if they were folded over. and just because somthing is useless doesnt mean it proves evolution correct it just means there is an underlying purpose for it. boy that took lik all my brain power. and god loves you . he sent his son to die for us on the cross for our sins. he can forgive you of them and thats what gets you into heaven.

Creationists/Intelligent Design proponents, how do you explain goose bumps?

Brad did you actually read that article? It doesn't help your case much.

Creationists/Intelligent Design proponents, how do you explain goose bumps?

"goose bumps" currently limit air from moving away, this is not that signifigant, but it does serve a porpose in modern day hominoids. it does not work in wind, but it does in cold. this is also a remenent of making oneself seem larger. this is not substanchal proof of the anti-inteligent desighn. trust me it is there, but you are looking in the wrong places.

Creationists/Intelligent Design proponents, how do you explain goose bumps?

God made goosebumps in animals as a SPECIFIC means for their survival, and then copied them IDENTICALLY on humans, even though they serve absolutely no useful purpose for our survival.

Man was created before animals....read the Book of Genesis

Creationists/Intelligent Design proponents, how do you explain goose bumps?

Goosebumps actually raise the body temperature. Goosebumps are caused by cold or fear. The rise in the body temp. helps the body combat cold or fear.

Creationists/Intelligent Design proponents, how do you explain goose bumps?

He created goosebumps for our pleasure...I actually like them sometimes ; )

Creationists/Intelligent Design proponents, how do you explain goose bumps?

dude. do you really think that you proved creationism wrong because you THINK that goosebumps have no purpose. look whose believing in fairy tales...

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