Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Red bump on testicle?

ok i have been tested for gonorrhea and chlamydia and the results have some back negative.... i got a 20 minute test to see if i have hiv the results were negative... i have to go back in a month to get retested and then again in about another 3 months.... i hope that the results stay the same... since this who ordeal.... i have developed what seems to be a little red pimple on my scrotum... this could be a ingrown hair follicle or syphilis

it doesn't hurt or anything ..... it hasn't leaked puss or blood and no hair is sticking out of it... my throat lymph nodes seem a little swollen... do you think i have herpes or syphilis.. swollen lymph nodes also come from stress i hear.... ok what im really asking is.... std or ingrown hair follicle...... i did go to the doctor and they thought maybe i strained my groin muscles from shoveling snow........ ok w/e please respond with some answers...

Red bump on testicle?

It is possible to have herpes based on your symptoms, but it is best to be tested. If you still have the bump, you may be able to have it cultured by a dr to get a result right away.

Commonly you develop swollen lymph nodes in the groin area, along with some flu like symptoms. If you feel along the the area where your legs begin you can tell if it is your lymph node that is painful or your muscles. The bumps often do not hurt at first. For many people they don't really bother them at all. It is very common form people to assume they have an ingrown hair or infected follicle.

You really should have a herpes test done either way since up to 90% of those who have it are not aware of it. If the current test comes back negative, get tested again in 3 months. It can take that long for the antibodies to show in your system. Way too often doctors dismiss the idea of their patients having herpes, and fail to test them when they in fact have it. If your dr does not want to test you, insist on it or go to another dr.

Red bump on testicle?

prolly herpes if u had a swollen gland

Red bump on testicle?

There is no way in the world that people on the internet can tell what is wrong from your decriptions when the people who know how to answer your questions need time to carry out the tests. Stop worrying, do something else and wait patiently for your doctor to provide the results. All we can do is keep our fingers crossed. Good luck.

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