Tuesday, June 22, 2010


"*Shaving: this can cause stubble and/or razor burn, but despite popular belief, it actually doesn't cause the hair to grow back thicker. The hair may LOOK thicker as it's growing in (because you'll see the blunt end where the hair was cut as opposed to the thinner end of the hair), but rest assured that nothing you do to hair ABOVE the skin (i.e. trimming, shaving, bleaching, etc.) will make the hair grow back thicker. Likewise, keep in mind that whenever you pull a hair out of the hair follicle (not including electrolosis), it WILL grow back thicker and darker eventually. I hope this helps and good luck with everything!"

//This is a quote from another question (best way too remove hair). Is that part of the answer (the quote) true about when you shave it is just a myth it grows back faster. Or is he right in saying it's untrue? If anyone who has some facts on the matter would like to give 1 or 2 links that would be greatly apreciated. Ty


Eventually it will reach a point where the speed of growth, and thickness will stay the same.

Some guys grow hair faster, and thicker than others, but once that threshold is reach, thats pretty much it.

I personally wet shave as the first step, and used a foil electric shaver from there on.

I can go indefinitely without ever wet shaving again. And my face is just as "baby booty" smooth.

Works for me.


i posted that, and its very true. i'm a licensed cosmetologist, and while i was in school, i read/heard that over and over again because it is a VERY common myth.

think about it. hair goes through different growing styles, so theyre different lengths. when you cut them all off to the same length, its going to look and appear thicker when it grows because it is now all the same length.



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