Friday, June 18, 2010

I am a girl and I've got hair on my chin...what do I do?

I grow small black hairs on my chin. I am a female so it is so embarrassing. I have tried plucking, shaving, hair removal creams, waxing and even laser hair removal. No matter what I have done I still have the hairs. Everyday I must pluck or shave in the morning and by night they are back. Another bad thing about it is that even when the hair is gone to the touch you can still see the follicles so you know that hair is there. I never let my boyfriend touch my face and find myself thinking/worrying about it several times a day. It is the most embarrassing thing EVER!! I want the hair gone and I do mean GONE!! If you have any suggestions on things that you or someone you know has tried please help me out. I am a good looking girl who is so self conscience with this problem. And please be sensative to my I said, I am very embarrassed by this!

I am a girl and I've got hair on my chin...what do I do?

I have had a number of facial hairs removed with electrolysis. It takes a number of visits but they eventually go away.

I am a girl and I've got hair on my chin...what do I do?

never ever ever ever ever ever ever SHAVE IT!

it'll grow back way thicker and WAY FASTER stop shaving it!,

its okay to have it ikno a lot of girls that do, and they probobly are embarressed by it.

it theres anything u should do, if laser hair removal didnt work.. which is weird that it didnt, i would have to say... pluck them or wax, probobly most likely waxing, that'll probobly keep them from growing for a week or two, and put lotion on it..


I am a girl and I've got hair on my chin...what do I do?

You are not the only one with this problem. Many women have facial hair that they pluck, wax, laser. I think you are probably the only one who sees the follicles even though the hair is gone. It's common and it's caused by hormones and it's just something that you learn to live with and deal with. Try Nair facial hair removal. No one is perfect, everyone has things about them they don't like and just have to keep themselves up.

I am a girl and I've got hair on my chin...what do I do?

Wow sounds like you

tried everything!

Just do the daily routine

and learn to deal with it,

better that than having

a hairy face!!

I am a girl and I've got hair on my chin...what do I do?

that first gril was such a jerk. well try nair or whatever.i suggest just like putting coverup as your daily routine and shaving that area in the morning too. if your bf really likes u he wont mind a stray hair here or there.

I am a girl and I've got hair on my chin...what do I do?

I've tried laser hair removal and am still in the process, so can't really tell if its working or not. I would try next though electrolysis if the laser hair removal did not work.

I am a girl and I've got hair on my chin...what do I do?

A lot of women in my Italian family have the same problem you described. Sometimes you just can't make it go away and you just have to deal with the daily plucking. I am amazed that lazer hair removal didn't work. I wonder if you could have the folicle removed... kind of the same as a hair transplant moves the folicle from one place to another... it must be possible to remove it all together.

I am a girl and I've got hair on my chin...what do I do?

A lot of girls have facial hair but none will admit it. Due to hormones, some could have worse. It too suffer from a hormone that grows hair on the face.

At home remedies: Shaving will cause the hair to become corse and even give you a 5 o'clock shadow, so try to stay away from that.

I personally had no luck with the waxing/threading because it would cause ingrown hairs and white heads.

The best/cheapest method I found was an electronic tweezer. It hurts when you use it, but the hair wont grow back as quickly:

If you want it gone for good and have the money, go visit the dermatologist. They actually have ways of killing the hair follicle and stop hair from growing back.

But first, try to find out the reason the hair is growing. Since it can be hormonal, you might have to go for some further treatment.

Good luck and don't be too embarrassed.

I am a girl and I've got hair on my chin...what do I do?

advice from an esthetician..try going to a local spa and get and estimate on electrolysis (permanent hair removal with a needle) or on laser hair removal. Both will cost you quite a bit but after the amount of treatments necessary to remove the hair (varies from person to person) it will be gone permanently. It is definitely worth it so you don't have to worry about it ever again. In your case, you might prefer electrolysis over laser as sometimes laser can leave blisters on the treated area and since it is a visible area, you may prefer not to have that. Electrolysis will leave you a little red after the treatment but that will fade just as fast as redness after waxing does.good luck!

I am a girl and I've got hair on my chin...what do I do?

In spite of what you may have heard, laser hair removal is NOT permanent. The only permanent method is electrolysis, which usually requires more than one treatment, depending on what growth stage the unwanted hair is (it goes through 3 stages). Same problem in my family. I believe I know how you feel. If your hormones are fine, just blame genetics and/or bad luck, but unwanted facial hair in women is not as rare as you may think.

Do give electrolysis a try. It's your very best bet. And don't waste your money on home kits claiming to be as effective as electrolysis: they do not work. Good luck! And if your boyfriend truly loves you, he should not mind. Instead he should be willing to help you and be supportive.

I am a girl and I've got hair on my chin...what do I do?

I had the same problem, I had 6 laser sessions and the daily thick hair is gone.Don't shave wax or pluck between sessions be patient.

I am a girl and I've got hair on my chin...what do I do?

Try not to be too embaressed

many girls have this problem

one tip that is really good

is NEVERRR shave them off

if you do this they will grow back thicker,longer,and quicker each time. I suggest hair removal cream if not not quite sure.

but dont shave themm.

I am a girl and I've got hair on my chin...what do I do?

I think waxing will be the best solution, and u have to get used to it :)

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